Tritt Foundation
Giving back as a whole is important to Tony Tritt, but making a difference locally is a priority. “This is our way of trying to have a little impact,” he says.
Anthony “Tony” Tritt has always had a strong work ethic and an admiration for others with the same drive. Now, through a scholarship at the University of West Georgia, Tritt seeks to reward students who excel academically while also holding a job.
The scholarship, funded officially by the Tritt Family Foundation, Inc., is a renewable UWG general scholarship for students who maintain a 3.75-grade-point-average and work 20 hours or more per week.
While in college, Tritt worked tirelessly at a job while taking a full load of classes, saying nothing was ever handed to him.
After graduating, Tritt worked for a mortgage company and in a hospital setting for a period but eventually opened his own successful business: Tritt Realty LLC. Realizing success comes from a foundation of hard work, consistency, and determination, Tritt decided he wanted to reward college students who share his values.
“This is our way of trying to have a little impact,” he said. “We target the students who seem to want to both work – either by choice or by necessity – and perform well in school. It’s our belief they tend to be the ones who become the trendsetters and go-getters in life. It’s our hope and goal that we have a widening impact on the new generation on wherever it is they are trying to go in life.”
Tritt’s son, Mason, followed in his father’s footsteps, working while attending college. He gives his father credit for instilling those values in him and said he, too, is excited to help make this scholarship possible.
“The idea to do a scholarship is something my dad has always been passionate about,” Mason said. “I loved the idea; I’m passionate about it as well, and I want to see it grow and see where it goes.”
The two initial recipients for the scholarship have been selected, and Tritt said he is thrilled at the choices.
If we’re making a difference locally, then 100 years from now, it will still be growing.
Morgan Branam, one of the inaugural recipients of the scholarship, said she is beyond grateful to have received it.
“I have always felt empowered to pursue education wholeheartedly,” she said. “Knowing my scholastic choices will create the future I want is a bright and exciting idea, but it comes at a daunting financial cost. Having a partner in my education like the Tritt Family Scholarship helps clear the financial stress so that I can focus on my future career as a nurse.”
Kinley Stanford, the other inaugural recipient, agreed she is most thankful for the scholarship because it allows her to focus on her studies instead of financial concerns.
“It is a true honor to be one of the recipients of the Tritt Family Foundation Scholarship,” she said. “Being the first member in my family to attend college, receiving this aid very much reduces the financial stress in my last year at UWG. I greatly appreciate the Tritt Family Foundation for the generous financial support that allows me to continue my educational journey in becoming an English teacher at the secondary level.”
Tritt credits his wife, Mary Tritt, with making his dream of rewarding hard-working, academically successful students a reality. Mary also worked her way through college.
“It wouldn’t have happened without Mary,” Tritt said. “She set up the foundation and worked with the university to set up the scholarship. This has been a goal and dream of mine, and Mary made it happen.”
Giving back as a whole is important to Tritt, but making a difference locally is a priority.
“When you’re trying to have an impact, you think global, but you want to help most where you live and work,” he said. “If we’re making a difference locally, then 100 years from now, it will still be growing. These people will do great things, and when our heads hit the pillow at night, we can feel like we did something to help make that possible.”
Our scholarships are available for students in the West Georgia area meeting the criteria. We have scholarships currently in place at the University of West Georgia as well as West Georgia Technical College. For more information about the The Tritt Family Foundation Scholarship, contact us directly!